Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Soal Ujian UKP: Bahasa Inggris (edisi 1)

Re: grounding near Suez

This is to confirm my cable of Nov 19th 1980 as per copy enclosed, and following is a briet provisional report about the above accident.
On Nov 19th at about 6 p.m. when we were approaching Suez with a speed of 5 knots, all of a sudden the vessel sheered heavily to port and its main engine stopped by itself.
I was on the ridge together with the chief Mate while the Third Mate was already on the forecastle with the carpenter and both anchors were already ready to be let go.
Immediately soundings were taken of the bilges, however no leakage was apparent and subsequently it appeared that the vessel had grounded on the Hazard shoal which was located at the entrance of the fairway leading to the outer roads of Suez.
The shoal was marked by a red and yellow chequered conical buoy which should be kept on starboard side which we actually did, however we only later learned that the said buoy had drifted eastward caused by a western gale for which the Notice to Mariner was as yet not issued.
Due at the time of grounding the tide was rising, we managed to refloat at about 19.00 hours.
This accident was immediately reported to Suez Canal Authority and we arrived at the Suez outer roads at 11 in the evening and via the local agents, surveyors from underwriters, classification society and Tood Shipyard were requested to attend at ship’s arrival.
At the time of writing this report divers were conducting an underwater inspection and both surveyors were still waiting for the result of the divers report, however as earlier mentioned, soundings did not reveal any leakage.
As soon as more further deatails are available we will immediately send you a more detailed report.
Hoping to have informed you accordingly, i remain

Prihal kandas di dekat Suez
Dgn ini untuk menegaskan kawat saya pd tgl 19 nov 1980 sesuain dgn copy terlampir, & berikut adalah laporan singkat sementara tentang kecelakaan tsb di atas.
Pd 19 nov pd kira2 pukul 6 sore. Sewaktu  mendekati Suez dgn kecepatan 5 mil laut/jam, tiba2 kapalnya merewang keras ke kiri & mesin induk berhenti  sendiri.
Saya berada di anjungan bersama2 dgn mualim I sedangkan mualim III telah berada di depan dgn mistri & kedua jangkar telah siap untuk di lego.
Segera pemeruman2 di lakukan pd got2, namun tdk ditemukan kebocoran2 & kemudian bahwa kapal telah kandas di gosong Hazard yg terletak pd pintu masuk dari alur pelayaran yg menuju ke bandar luar Suez.
Gosong tsb di tandai oleh sebuah buoy kerucut kotak2 merah kuning2 yg harus di letakkan pd sebelah kanan, yg memang akan di lakukan, namun belakangan kami mendengar bahwa semalam buoy tsb telah hanyut ke arah timur disebabkan karena badai barat untuk mana belum ada berita pelaut dikeluarkan.
Karena pd saat kandas arus sedang pasang maka kami berhasil untuk mengapung kembali pd kira2 pukul 19.00.
Kecelakaan ini  segera dilaporkan pd otoritas Suez & kami tiba pd bandar luar suez pd pukul 11 malam & melalui agent setempat, surveyor2 dari asuransi, biro klasifikasi & galangan kapal Todd telah diminta untuk hadir setibanya kapal.
Pd saat laporan ini di tulis para penyelam masih melakukan pemeriksaan di bawah air & para surveyor sedang menunggu hasil laporan dari para penyelam, namun sebagai mana dilaporkan sebelumnya, peruman2 tidak menemukan adanya kebocoran.
Segera setelah rincian lanjut kami segera mengirim laporan yg lebih lengkap.
Kami harap telah melaporkan kepada anda, sbg mana mestinya

Hormat Kami

Notice to the Liberian MV “Challenger

The undersigned Capt.”John Doe” of  the Indonesian mv.”Bahtera” also on behalf of his Owners and Underwriters hold you and your owners solely responsible for the loss and damage done to his vessel as a consequence of the collision with your vessel in the Straits of Singapore on june 8th 2002 at 04.00 Singapore time and invite you to witness the damage to his vessel.
The mv “Behtera” is expected to arrive at Singapore on June 8th,2002 at 08.00 singapore time.

Marine Note of Proteset
Today, june 8th 2002, the undersigned Capt. John Doe, Master of the Indonesian mv.”Bahtera” registered at the port of Jakarta, appeared before the consul general of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore and declared as follows:
-          that his vessel left the port of Belawan North Sumatra on june 7th 2002 after loading about 5000 tons of general cargo bound for Bangkok, Thailand;
-          that during the middle watch at about 03.50 Singapore time whilst proceeding eastbound in
-          the Singapore Traffic Separation Scheme all of a sudden another vessel loomed up from the dark and struck us at our pour side forward in way of our forepeak;
-          that the m.v  “Bahtera”  was proceeding in the proper lane i.e. the eastbound lane of the TSS ;
-          that it later appeared that the other vessel was the Liberian mv Challenger ;
-          that the weather at the time of collision was raining heaviley and visibility was very poor caused by the torrential rains ;
-          that the mv “Bahtera” was proceeding on a safe speed of about, 5 knots and was sounding the prescribed fog signals;
-          that no fog signals were heard from the “Challenger”;
-          that after exchanging vessel’s names and port of departure and port of destination and learning that his assistance was not needed, he decided to proceed to Singapore for repairs of thw damage thereby sustained ;
-          that he had sent notice on behalf of his owners and underwriters holding the Master of the mv.”Challenger” and his owners solely responsible for the damage done to his vessel and had invited the Master of the mv.”Challenger to witness the damage done his vessel.
-          That he reserves his rights to extend this note of protest at time aad place convenient.
Legaluzed by : the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia Singapore, june 8th 2002
Pemberitahuan kpd nakhoda kpl motor Liberia “Challenger”
Yg bertanda tangan di bawah ini capt.John Doe kpl motor indonesia “Bahtera” juga atas nama pemiliknya & asuransi menyatakan bahwa anda & pemilik kapal anda bertanggung jawab penuh atas kerugian & kerusakan yg terjadi pd kplnya sebagai akibat tubrukan dgn kpl anda di selat Singapore pd tgl 8 juni 2002 pd pukul 04.00 pagi waktu Singapore & mengundang anda untuk  menyaksikan kerusakan pd kplnya.
Kpl motor “Bahtera” diperkirakan akan tiba di Singapore pd tgl 8 juni 2002 pd pukul 08.00 pagi waktu singapore.
Kisah kapal
Pd hari ini tgl 8 juni 2002, yg bertanda tangan di bawah ini capt.John Doe, Nakhoda dari kpl motor indonesia “Bahtera” terdaftar di pelabuhan jkt, menghadap di depan konsul jendral RI di Sgp & menerangkan sbb :
-          Bahwa kplnya meninggalkan pelabuhan Belawan, Sumatra utara pd tgl 7 juni 2002 setelah memuat kurang lebih 5000 ton muatan campuran dgn tujuan Bangkok, Thailand ;
-          Bahwa sewaktu jaga tengah malam pd kira2 pukul 03.50 waktu Sgp waktu sedang berlayar kearah timur di bagan pemisah lalulintas Singapore tiba2 sebuah kpl lain muncul dari kegelapan & menabrak kami di sebelah kiri depan di sekitar ceruk haluan kami ;
-          Bahwa kapal motor Bahtera sedang berlayar di alur yg tepat ialah di alur timur dari daerah bagan pemisah lalulintas;
-          Kemudian ternyata bahwa kpl yg lain tsb adalah kpl motor Challenger dari Liberia ;
-          Bahwa cuaca pd saat tubrukan hujan deras & jarak pandang adalah sangat pendek disebabkan karena hujan deras ;
-          Bahwa kpl motor Bahtera sedang berlayar dgn kecepatan aman kira2 5 mil laut/jam & sedang membunyikan isyarat2 kabut yg di tentukan ;
-          Bahwa tdk ada isyarat2 kabut terdengar dari kpl Challenger ;
-          Bahwa setelah pertukaran nama2 kpl & pelabuhan tolak & pelabuhan tujuan & mendengar bahwa bantuannya tdk di perlukan, maka ia memutuskan untuk menuju ke Sgp untuk perbaikan kerusakan yg dialaminya ;
-          Bahwa ia telah mengirim pemberitahuan atas nama pemiliknya & asuransinya & menyatakan Nakhoda kpl motor Challenger bertanggung jawab penuh atas kerusakan yg dilakukan atas kapalnya & mengundang Nakhoda dari kpl motor Challenger untuk menyaksikan kerusakan pd kplnya.
-          Bahwa ia mempertahankan haknya untuk menambah kisah kpl ini apabila  di butuhkan
Diketahui oleh : Consul jendral RI Sgp pd tgl 8 juni 2002
Saksi-saksi : Mualim satu                                  Capt.John Doe
                     Mualim dua                           Nakhoda MV.”Bahtera”
                     Juru mudi

Prelimenary Survey Report
Pur suant to my assignment as Owner’s Surveyor to supervise the repair of the damage sustained by the mv “Halilintar” as a consequence of grounding on Hazard shoal located at the entrance of the fairway leading to the port of Houston, the state of Texas, USA on January 2nd 1994 at 5 am and i hereby report as follows :
According to the report of the Master and data obtained from the Ship’s log book, after the pilot boarded on januari 2nd 1994 at about 04.30 in the morning, the vessel started to enter the fairway on moderate speed, engine revolution 70, suddenly extraordinary vibrations were felt, the engine stopped by itself and when restarted and put ahead, the vessel did not move.
It appeared that the vessel had grounded on the said shoal, visibility at that time was only around 200-300 meters caused by log, immediately soundings were taken of the tanks and bilges to check whether the vessel had sustained any leakage, however it appeared there were no signs of leakage, there after soundings were taken around the vessel and found that at the forward part starboard side a depth of 5 meters was found while the draft forward was 55 dm.
Subsequently the main engine was moved astern several times and the vessel managed to refloat, however it appeared that the rudder was jammed, the pilot station was contacted by VHF to report this incident and simulataneously 2 tugboats were ordered to assist the vessel to reach  the port.
Via the local agents Surveyors from the Classification Society, underwriters Todd Shipyard were contacted to attend on ship’s arrival in port, the ship arrived safety at 08.00 in the morning and was immediately berthed at the wharf of the said shipyard and at the time this report was being made a joint survey by said parties was still in progress,  while the Master was noting a Sea Protest and a ship’s Accident Report at the local Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia. As soon as new developments are available i will send you a more detailed report.

Laporan Survey Pendahuluan
Sesuai dgn penugasan saya sbg surveyor pemilik untuk mengawasi perbaikan dari kerusakan yg di alami oleh kpl motor “Halilintar” sebagai akibat kandas pd gosong Hazard yg terletak pd pintu masuk dari alur pelayaran menuju ke pelabuhan Houston, negara bagian Texas Amerika Serikat pd 2 januari 1994 pukul 5 pagi & dgn ini saya melaporkan sbb :
Sesuai dgn laporan Nakhoda & data yg di peroleh dari buku harian kpl, setelah pandu naik pd 2 jan 1994 kurang lebih pukul 04.30 pagi, kplnya mulai memasuki alur pelayaran dgn kecepatan sedang, putaran mesin 70, tiba2 getaran luar biasa terasa, mesinnya berhenti dgn sendirinya & sewaktu di hidupkan kembali & digerakkan maju kplnya tdk bergerak.
Teryata bahwa kplnya telah kandas di gosong tsb, jarak pandang waktu itu hanya kira2 200-300 meter disebabkan karena kabut, segera pemeruman2 dilakukan pd tangki2 & got2 untuk memeriksa apakah kpl telah mengalami kebocoran, namun ternyata tdk terdapat kebocoran, kemudian pemeruman2 dilakukan di sekeliling kpl & telah di temukan pd bagian depan sebelah kanan terdapat kedalaman 5 meter sedangkan sarat depan 55 dm.
Kemudian mesin induknya digerakkan mundur beberapa kali & kplnya berhasil mengapung kembali, namun ternyata kemudinya macet, stn pandu dihubungi dgn VHF untuk melaporkan peristiwa ini & sekaligus memesan 2 kpl tunda untuk membantu kplnya mencapai pelabuhan.
Melalui agent setempat para surveyor dari biro klasifikasi, asuransi, galangan kpl Todd telah dihubungi untuk hadir setibanya kpl, kpl tiba di pelabuhan dgn selamat pd pukul 8 pagi & segera di sandarkan pd dermaga dari galangan tsb & sewaktu laporan ini dibuat sebuah survey bersama sedang dilakukan oleh pihak2 tsb sedang berlangsung, sedangkan nakhoda sedang melakukan kisah kpl & laporan kecelakaan kpl pd consulat jenderal RI setempat. Segera setelah ada perkembangan baru saya akan segera mengirim laporan yg lebih rinci.

Marine Note of Protest

On march 5th 1999 appeared before me, Jean Hputen, consul of the Kingdom of the Netherland in Dakar, Mr.Simon Koster, Master of the Dutch motorship “Liberia” of 10.000 tons gross who declared as follows :
-          That his ship drawing 30 feet laden with abt 8000 tons general cargo, on Februari 24th at 5 pm. Left amsterdam bound for West African port;
-          That his ship at the timeof departure was in a condition of “tight, staunch and strong” and provided with sufficient provisions, fresh water anf bukers;
-          That its cargo was stowage in accordance with the practice of good seamanship.
-          That during the voyage trough the english channel fair weather was experienced with good visibility and little wind;
-          That on february 27th in bay of biscay, the weather deteriorated and the wind increased to NW until force 8 on the Beaufort scale;
-          That the vessel started to pitch and roll heavily while shipping much water;
-          That at that time speed was ordered to be reduced until 60 rpm and the course directed against the seas;
-          That at noon on March 1st in said condition Cape Finnistere was passed;
-          That subsequently the wind veered to west and gradually abated enab ling the vessel to proceed again on full speed.
-          That on the rest of the voyage to west africe experienced good weather and arrived in Dakar at 6 am on march 5th.
-          That he considerered it not impossiblethat ship and cargo did not sustain any damage during the foul.
Weather in spite of the preventive measures taken, while reserving his rights “to extend this protest at time and place convenient”
Made without prejudice                            Done at Dakar on March, 9th 1999
                                                                     Capt.Simon Koster
                                                                           M A S T E R


Pada tgl 15 maret 1999 menghadap di depan saya, Jean Houten, konsul kerajaan Belanda di Dakar, tuan Simon Koster, nakhoda dari kapal motor Belanda “Liberia” berukuran  10.000 isi kotor yg menerangkan :
-          Bahwa kapalnya dengan sarat 30 kaki dimuati dengan kurang lebih 8.00 ton muatan campuran pada tanggal 24 februari jam 5 sore meninggalkan Amsterdam dengan tujuan pelabuhan2 Africa Barat.
-          Bahwa kapal pada waktu berangkat dalam kondisi “tight, staugh and strong” dan dilengkapi dengan bahan makanan, air tawar dan bahan bakar.
-          Bahwa itu adalah muatan yg dimuat/ditaruh berdasarkan kecakapan pelaut yg baik.
-          Bahwa kapalnya pada saat berlayar melalui English Channel mengalami cuaca baik dg jarak tampak baik dan sedikit angin.
-          Bahwa pd tanggal 27 Februari, dalam teluk Biscay, cuaca buruk dan angin bertambah ke barat laut hingga kekuatan 8 dalam skala beaufort.
-          Bahwa kapal mulai mengangguk dan mengoleng berat/keras sambil menimba banyak air.
-          Bahwa pada saat itu kecepatan diperintahkan untuk dikurangi sampai 60 putaran per menit dan haluannya diarahkan melawan ombak.
-          Bahwa pada tengah hari tanggal 1 maret dalam kondisi tersebut Tanjung Fanistere dilewati.
-          Bahwa kemudian anginnya berubah (sesuia arah jarum jam) dan secara bertahap berkurang yg memungkinkan kapalnya untuk berlayar kembali dg tenaga penuh.
-          Bahwa dalam sisa pelayaran ke Africa Barat mengalami cuaca baik tiba di Dakar pukul 6 pada tanggal 5 maret.
-          Bahwa ia menganggap bukan tidak mungkin kapal dan muatanya mengalami kerusakan sewaktu cuaca buruk tersebut meskipun penegahan kapal dan muatannya, sewaktu penyelamatan sudah diambil pada waktu dan tempat yg layak.
Dibuat tanpa prasangka
                                                   Dibuat di Dakar pd tgl 9 maret 1999

                                                                    Capt. Simon Koster

The Sibigo of the netherlands merchant navy was caught in a cyclone in the Coral sea on march 16, 1945, and foundered with the greater part of her 85-man crew. Only 13 survi vors were picked up by a steamer of the same nationality after have been drifting abuct on two rafts for several days. Among those who were rescued were the second officer and the chief wireless operator. The former reported that the captain did all in his power to save the vessel and her crew. The gale commenced at 11 a.m on march 13. Tremendous seas battered the ship, the engines broke down and the holds were making water. The boats were all washed overboard so that, when the order was given to abandon the disabled vessel, rafts had to be flung overboard. The two wireless operators and some men of the crew managed to find momentary safety on one of the raft. The chief radio officer reported that the last he saw of the sinking vessel. The raft was overturned several times and the second wireless operator and a native sailor  were drowned. The wreck was rolling heavily and suddenly she was seen ti turn over on her beam-ends. She righted herself again for a moment and next went down stern first. The rafts was tossed about helplessly for four days, the castaways living on tins of  milk and meat, but lacking dringking water altogether. On march 20 a search plane spotted them and, unable to land on the rough seas, dropped food supplies. A gunner’s mate left the raft to try and secure the supplies, but his strength giving out, he was drowned. Of the six rafts that had left the ship only two were found, carrying thirteen survivors. In spite of an extensive search by sea and air not a trace was discovered of the other rafts. The sibigo was built in Rotterdam and in 1928 take over by the Royal Packet Navigation Company for the inter-island trade in the Netherlands East indies. When the japanese invaded these island, the sibigo managed to escape unharmed from the port of  Tji latjap on the South coast on central java, arriving in a West Australia port on March 7, 1942. Afterwards she made many trips between Australia and New Guinea, Carrying Supplies for the Allied armies.
Terjemahan :
Kapal Sibigo dari pelayaran niaga Belanda terperangkap dalam badai di laut Coral pada tgl 16 maret 1945, dan tenggelam serta sebagian besar dr awak kapal sebanyak 85 orang, hanya 13 yg selamat yg diangkut oleh sebuah kapal dari berkebangsaan yg sama setelah terapung2 diatas dua buah rakit utk beberapa hari. Diantara mereka yg selamat terdapat mualim II dan markonis kepala/perwira radio kepala. Mualim II tsb melaporkan bahwa nakhoda telah melakukan segala sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan kapal dan awaknya.

Badai mulai pd jam 11 pagi pada tanggal 13 maret. Ombak-ombak besar menghantam kapalnya shg mesinnya macet dan palka-palka kemasukan air, sekoci-sekoci tersapu keluar shg sewaktu perintah utk meninggalkan kapal yg tak berdaya tsb rakit-rakit harus dilemparkan ke laut. Kedua perwira radio dan beberapa awak berhasil untuk diselamatkan sementara diatas salah satu dari rakit-rakit tsb. Perwira radio kepala melaporkan bahwa terakhir ia melihat nakhoda dan mualim I –nya ada sewaktu mereka berdiri bersama dianjungan dari kapal yg sedang tenggelam. Rakitnya terbalik beberapa kali dan perwira radio II –nya dan seorang pelaut pribumi tenggelam.
Kerangka kapal sedang mengolengkeras tiba-tiba kelihatan terbalik untuk beberapa saat dan kemudian tenggelam dg buritannya dahulu. Rakitnya terlempar kesana-kemari tanpa daya selama 4 hari dan mereka yg selamat hidup dg susu kaleng dan daging. Namun tanpa sama sekali air minum.
Pada tanggal 20 maret, sebuah pesawat udara pencari melihat mereka dan tidak mampu mendarat di ombak yg keras dan menjatuhkan pasokan-pasokan makanan. Seorang juru tembak meninggalkan rakit dan berusaha mendapatkan pasokan-pasokan tsb tetapi habis kekuatannya dan ia tenggelam. Dari ke enam rakit-rakit yg meninggalkan kapalnya, hanya dua yg ditemukan kembali, yg mengangkut 13 korban. Meskipun pencarian yg luas melalui laut dan udara, tidak menemukan jejak rakit-rakit yg lain.
Kapal Sibigo dibangun di Rotherdam dan pada tahun 1928 diambil alih oleh perusahaan Royal Packet Navigation Company untuk pelayaran antar pulau di Hindia Belanda.
Sewaktu jepang memasuki kepulauan ini, kapal Sibigo berhasil melarikan diri tanpa cedera dari pelabuhan Cilacap di pantai selatan Jawa Tengah dan tiba di pelabuhan Australia Barat pada tgl 7 maret 1942. Kemudian kapal tsb melakukan beberapa pelayaran antara Australia dan Papua New Guinea dengan mengangkut pasokan2 untuk tentara-tentara sekutu.

B/L : Bill of Lading, NOR : Notice of Readness, TLO : Total Loss Only,
AAR : Againt All Risk, FIOST : Free in and out Stowage and Trimmed,
GA : General Average, MOLOO : More or Less Owner’s Option,
CTL : Contructive Total Loss, CQD : Customary  Quik Despatch,
LAYCAN : Laydays and Cancelling Date.

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